From November 15th to April 1st of each year, our snow removal parking restrictions come into effect. Any vehicles parked between the hours of 12am to 7am on Town streets, in Municipal parking lots, or in any manner that interferes with snow plowing or winter maintenance, may be ticketed or towed.
The Town appreciates all residents for their efforts with parking off-street, thank you for assisting with the safety of our community.
Why are there winter parking restrictions in place?
During the winter Town streets and parking lots must be clear of vehicles so that we can do winter operations including plowing, sanding, salting, clearing snowbanks.
Can I park on roads overnight when there is no snow?
No, the winter parking restrictions are in effect November 15, 2023 to April 1, 2024 (12am to 7am), regardless of current weather or road conditions.
How do I pay my overnight parking ticket?
You can pay for your ticket in person, online or over the phone, click here to learn more.